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 Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi

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2 posters

Posts : 125
Join date : 2015-11-24
Wrestler Name(s) : Tokyo Zombie, Yoyo Banzai

Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi Empty
PostSubject: Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi   Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2016 2:38 pm

The shot goes to Tokyo Zombie recorced sitting somewhere on the grass in some light monk clothes at the Blue Hills Reservation. In front of him we can see the rest of Boston. Yoyo Banzai walks up in a tracksuit and sits next to him holding a manila envelope. She looks out at the skyline trying to find the black spot where the Brutality Arena once stood. Then she sighs and looks at Tokyo Zombie deep in concentration, his eyes open, but his mind somewhere far away.

Yoyo Banzai: “Hey! I’ve been sent my updated contract. It includes some of the things we talked about. Want to give it a look?”

Tokyo Zombie seemingly comes back to his right mind and finally looks at her like he was waking up from a deep sleep daydream.

Tokyo Zombie: “Anytime, but it should be fine. Mr. Sharpe is a tenacious businessman but I am sure he is looking out for your interests as well as his. We will have words if he has not.”

Banzai: “If you say so.”

She looks around the area filled with signs of a new spring . The trees are getting lush with green. Flowers bloom in the distance. The sound of the animals calling to each other is carried in the breeze. Yoyo makes and expression of not being really that impressed.

Banzai: “Why are we here? You know how long it’s gonna take to get to the gym afterwards? We could have met at a coffee shop or something. They should have had tea, right?”

Zombie: “This is a place of isolation. It is far away from any distractions of the city below or of people in general. It is a good place to reflect on the past.”

Banzai: “I saw three dumbass hikers on my way here. Gave them some words of my own after they gawked at my hair.”

Zombie: “You know what I mean, girl. Just look at this view. Look at the natural surroundings. It is peaceful and humbling.”

She takes another look around then sticks her tongue out after making sure he isn’t looking at her.

Zombie: “Anyway I invited you here to talk about your future. I am glad that you are progressing as a fighter and stuck to your training while you were away from me. You have changed but you do show some promise still. I will be monitoring your opponents and your matches closely from now on. It will be difficult with the dangers in BFW now but we should do fine if you remember my training and keep reading the sutras.”

Yoyo nods and looks around waiting for him to keep going. They spend a moment like this and she idly rips up the grass in front of her. She finally stares at him with impatient wide eyes.

Banzai: “And…”

Zombie: “Just take a moment to appreciate-”

Banzai: “No, I mean… Don’t you have anything else to tell me? I know what you’ve been up to.”

Zombie: “Nan desu ka?”

Banzai: “Three words: Sugoku, Zombie, Gumi.”

Tokyo turns to her but with no expression on his face.

Zombie: “Don’t concern yourself with this just yet. Need to know basis for now, little yokai”

Banzai: “It's just that I know you’ve been mobilizing some of the brothers and sisters. I try to keep up with things outside of BFW too and I’ve seen the names that are popping up. There’s Siberia and Kowloon and I’ve even seen Uncle Aoki’s name being thrown around.”

Zombie: “Yes I’m bringing a few people back to the bigger leagues or off the streets. The forces of Brutal Force Wrestling are leaking out and I can’t let that happen without keeping tabs on it. Some of these infections, I felt, needed a more hands on approach. Then there is the issue of these other small worlds we’ve been exposed to lately. Each one is just as important as ours and their people need just as much protection. Yes Sugoku Zombie-gumi is mobilizing and I will use the Horde as needed. Your time will come when you are ready, Banzai. Please be patient”

Banzai: “My time will come when you think I’m ready.  Well I think I’m ready. I’ve shown you. I’ve shown everyone that I’m good to go in the ring and I can handle the damn pressure. You know that I’ve wanted into the family since you told me about their existence. I started training mostly so I can be a part of it. So I could be a part of something good for once. I proved myself at Vendetta didn’t I?”

Zombie: “No you failed after Steel City.”

Banzai: “What?!”

Zombie: “Let me explain. You were knocked out and taken from me then. I looked for where you were and I find you enjoying yourself. You weren’t being held captive and you weren’t being brainwashed. You chose to be over there and be a part of that demonic group. I tried to get in contact with you and aside from that one message you didn’t try to get to me. You were considering your options and waiting. What were you waiting on?”

Yoyo stares at him in disbelief. She takes a flask from her pocket and takes a swig.

Banzai: “I was waiting on you to make your case. I want to do good. I want to be good. After Mikael settled me down and had me recovered he showed me how I can do that through strength alone. When I was with them I felt that freedom for a bit. I could do anything there and if I chose to, I could do the right thing and make you proud. I had dreams about using their power to further your cause. Then I beat Rose and Williams and it reminded me of the bad old days when I was a teenager. That’s when I started to see that people need to have some sort of compass to guide them. Then you came out looking so strong in your match. It’s why I’m here with ya.."

Zombie: “I’m glad I was able to lead you back, but your mind is still not following the right way. Maybe a little now but not fully. I will be honest with you. You are like a time bomb and when you blow up you make rash decisions and can end up really hurting someone. This could cause a disaster out of the ring and could also end up hurting you inside the ring. I will work with you to let go of this defect or else use it so that it doesn’t affect the way you fight. You need to control this fury to gain some inner peace. That is why I tried so hard to release you from Supremacy’s clutches. You were progressing so well before that and they were fuelling that flame. Now it is still growing inside you. I saw it in your match. I see it when we train and I definitely feel it when we spar. You enjoy the violence that comes from hatred just like before. This is not why we fight. We use our skills as a shield and not as a release. You have some darkness in you and I’m sorry for that. I will work my hardest to make you right again but since you are tainted so you can not be in the Sugoku Zombie-gumi.”

Yoyo has her head tilted down so her hair covers her eyes hearing his words. Her hands shake, squeezing the flask and threatening to crush it. Her whole body shivers as her mind goes a hundred miles a minute. Then the grimace on her face softens and she gets up and sits in front of Tokyo and he straightens up formally. He has the same stern expression on his face like that imposing figure she saw when they first met.

Banzai: Sensei. I will not deny these things. I do enjoy hurting others. It is how I showed my strength in the past and I got a lil’  taste for it again. I don’t know if it’s strength or cowardice. I don’t know if it was Mikael or just me all along. He is a good and convincing mentor, but I will show you that I am worthy of your guidance and praise as well. I promise to go ahead from now on resolving any conflict within using pure mind, body, and spirit. I will show you I ain’t as tainted as you say I am. I will resist the urge to hurt and only use my skills to teach and improve.”

They both bow to each other and then relax as a cool breeze blows her hair from her face along with the tension between them. Tokyo nods and smiles.

Zombie: You have a long career ahead of you, Banzai-san. The path you chose to pave is only up to you but I hope you find the Right Way. Remember I am always in your corner. Take some time to meditate and reflect up here. I will see you at the gym later.”

He gets up and pats her head then walks away with both arms behind his back. A runner comes up a nearby path and turns around when she sees his tattoos but he doesn’t notice. Yoyo waits for him to descend the hill a bit then takes another swig of the bottle and then lies down flat on the grass with a sigh.

Banzai: “Fuck.”

And we cut to black.
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The Founding Father

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Join date : 2015-11-20
Wrestler Name(s) : Akragth

Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi   Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2016 2:50 pm

Sudoku Gummy is returning?! Surprised
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Posts : 125
Join date : 2015-11-24
Wrestler Name(s) : Tokyo Zombie, Yoyo Banzai

Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi   Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2016 2:52 pm

not to here tho just in general out in the world you'll seee I love you
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PostSubject: Re: Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi   Consequences and the awakening of the Sugoku Zombie-gumi Icon_minitime

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